dimecres, 25 d’agost del 2010

The Beatles (7) - And your bird can sing

Per molta gent els LPs Rubber Soul i Revolver representen el centre de la carrera, el pas entre el pop de masses del principi, i la plena absorbació de les idees alternatives dels 60 i la inquietud que els portava a no només trencar barreres musicals sinó riure-s’en de elles.
Al mateix any del LP Revolver, 1966, va ser l’últim any que els Beatles van tocar concerts en directe. Diuen que ja portaven més de 1.400 en 4 anys i volien dedicar-se plenament a escriure, gravar, i produir la seva música.
Amb Revolver tenim peces que formen part de la nostra memòria col•lectiva com Dr Robert, Good Day Sunshine, Got to Get You Into My Life, Eleanor Rigby, Here There and Everywhere, Yellow Submarine. Per avui hem buscat a And Your Bird Can Sing.

Most people agree that Rubber Soul and Revolver are the mid-point in the Beatles’ career not just from a time aspect, but also as they represent the step from simple pop to a full-blown absorption of all the alternative ideas floating around in the 60s, leading them to break down musical barriers.
1966, the year their 7th LP, Revolver, came out was also the year they stopped playing live concerts. Apparently they had played over 1400 gigs in 4 years and now wanted to devote their time and energy purely to writing, recording and producing their innovative music.
Revolver includes songs which form part of our collective memory – Dr Robert, Good Day Sunshine, Got to Get You Into My Life, Eleanor Rigby, Here There and Everywhere, Yellow Submarine.
Today’s song - And Your Bird Can Sing.

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