dissabte, 6 de novembre del 2010

Eva Cassidy (1) - Dark End of the Street

Eva Cassidy va néixer el 3 de febrer de l’any 1963. Des de ben petita tenia clar que volia estar dins del món de la música i als anys 80 ja treballava en nombroses projectes, mentre anava desenvolupant altres tasques no-músicales, però més ben remunerades, per arribar al final del mes. Als anys 90 ja cantava blues, jazz, soul, gospel amb un petit grup a la ciutat de Washington. L’historia diu que quan Chuck Brown li va sentir la veu, la va proposar de gravar un LP conjuntament. El resultat, The Other Side, seria publicat a l’any 1992. D’aquest LP hem de destacar la gravació de Somewhere Over the Rainbow, però la sentirem aquí un altre dia. Avui comencem amb la Dark End of the Street.

Eva Cassidy was born on 3rd February 1963. From a very young age she knew full well that her future would be linked to the stage and music. In the 80s she was involved in various musical projects, while keeping a day job to get to the end of the month. By the early 90s she was performing live in and around Washington DC – jazz, soul, blues, gospel ... The story goes that Chuck Brown heard a cassette recording of her and suggested they make an LP of duets, which led to the LP The Other Side – 1992. The most memorable and awe-inspiring track is perhaps Eva’s version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow, but we’ll leave this for later ... today we start with Dark End of the Street.

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