dijous, 1 de setembre del 2011

Calling America - ELO

El grup s'estava des-fent però Jeff Lynne, Bev Bevan i Richard Tandy es van quedar per fer un nou LP l’any 1985, Balance of Power. Evidentment en aquell moment ho vaig comprar en vinil però ara que he estat buscant versions digitals dels LPs, aquest ni m’he molestat en buscar. Fins i tot van deixar d'usar el logo tipic dels ELO! Grrr!

Calling America.


ELO were winding up quickly, but the three "originals", Jeff, Bev, and Richard stayed on for one last LP. 1985's Balance of Power. Being a fan, I bought it straight away on vinyl, and listened to it twice! Now I've not even bothered downloading a digital version of it. They didn't even use their famous groovy logo!

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