divendres, 18 de maig del 2012

I am the walrus - The Beatles #PetitesAlegries

Igual que un dia (ahir) et queixes del poc coneixement que tenen molts jovens sobre la historia del pop-rock, avui et trobes en un alumne de 13 anys que té, i escolta cada dia a, tota la col·lecció dels Beatles (clik aqui per anteriors sermons) i està aprenent totes les cançons ... no tot està perdut!
Just yesterday you'd have caught me whining about the lack of pop/rock history knowledge of youngsters, but today a pleasant surprise - a 13-year-old just getting into The Beatles (click for previous rants) , already has all the LPs and is working his way through them methodically. And what conversations we have ! All is not lost!

3 comentaris:

  1. oh, isn't it could noowegian wood.... if only it could!

  2. Been having some great classes (for a change!), chatting about Beatles - it's brilliant talking to someone who's just found them and every class has discovered something new ....

  3. I've also been pleased to watch the excitement of a young (21?) art-class mate discover the Beatles. All his art work for the year seemed to revolve around them, even to his final piece which was a 'undersea' submarine octopus's garden diorama-thing.
