dijous, 7 de febrer del 2013

Quicksand - Miles Kane #DijousLlarder

En el nostre afan per no deixar gaires festes sense celebrar, se'ns amontona la feina. Avui Dijous Llarder, o Jarder on com se digui, dies de carnaval, i dimarts que vé és Pancake Day, rapidament seguit per Sant Valentí ... au, a xalar, que son 4 dies ...
Quina musica posarieu en una bona festa? Jo, aquesta ...
Today is Dijous Jarder (literally Fat Thursday) in Catalonia, which is a bit like the famous Mardi Gras in New Orleans I suppose (if the James Bond films show an accurate view of New Orleans). People typically go out to the country in the afternoon with friends for a picnic, often involving thick ommelette sandwiches or black puddings, and a nice cup of hot chocolate .... in the morning kids go to school in fancy dress ... and a good time is had by all, before the restrictions of Lent set in next week. However, very few people seem to follow the practises of Lent nowadays, but celebrations like today's are always welcome for believers and non-believers alike. Anyway, as we all know, all these celebrations were already taking place in society before the church took them over. Pagans forever!
So, enjoy yourselves ... and coming soon, Pancake Day, Valentine's Day :)

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