dilluns, 15 de juliol del 2013

Thieves like us - New Order #Cheats

Aquests dies de l'estiu mentre no tenim futbol, tots estem gaudint de l'espectacle de Rajoy i Barcenas. Però hi ha més noticies que també ens poden donar una pista de com hem arribat fins aqui ... com podem esperar res dels nostres "liders" si molta gent, per no dir gairebé tothom, veu normal el fet de fer trampes allà on poden?
La setmana passada, va dir que repetirien les proves per ser policia local a Barcelona perque alguns havien fet trampa - "ja que no hi havia prou vigiliancia"!! Increible, resulta que els futurs policies també són una banda de xoriços i els hem de vigilar!
Cada any sento els famosos rumors de gent que fa trampes en examens, fins i tot a l'universitat! O que intenten comprar titols en anglès per no haver de aprendre!
Tal com tots sabem, molta gent fa trampes cada dia en questions d'ingressos, imposts, la renta etc - i el pitjor de tot és que ho diuen! Segur que a altres paisos també hi ha de gent aixi. Per exemple, més d'un deu haver-n'hi a Anglaterra pero estic bastant segur que no ho diria en public. O sigui, si vols robar o fer l'idiota, almenys siguis hipocrita i fes vore que no, a vore si els teus fills potser seran honrats. Igual amb la gent que continuament fa trampes conduint - aparcant on els dona la gana, saltant les normes, i tot aixo davant dels ulls dels seus fills. 
O aquell professor d'un institut que en un viatge final de curs va dir als alumnes que en el pais que havien anat, no calia pagar bitllet de tren perque ningu ho controlava!
Torno a dir, despres com volem que els politics i directors de banc siguen angels? Abans d'exigir res als de dalt, per que no mirem el que fem natros i el que mereixem ...
So, Spain is in the international news at last. Turns out (presumably) that the governing party (PP) have been receiving backhanders from businessmen, for public work contracts and other favours, for over 20 years. These backhanders were then (presumably) shared out in envelopes full of cash amongst party leaders and anyone else with their nose in the trough! All this if we are to believe their ex-treasurer, currently in jail and releasing all kinds of fascinating smut and gossip on a daily basis!
But, let's do some thinking out of the box ... why are we constantly hearing claims of corruption in high places? Maybe it's something deeper .... just last week, Barcelona had to re-set entrance exams for local police candidates as half of them had been cheating! The excuse - their was no one controlling the exam room!! So, we now need people to check policemen don't cheat in exams!? What's going on?! Bring back the stocks for people like this!
Ranting on ... every year I (as a teacher) hear believable rumours of kids cheating, but worse than all, university students! Even university students who buy English qualifications on the black market!
Who's never heard someone openly talk about fiddling the system, or fiddling a customer. Not paying taxes, paying cash (how many professional workers refuse to take credit card payments?), fiddling tax returns; not only are these common, but also bragged about. Which is worse, in my opinion. I'm sure many English people cheat and fiddle, but I'm not so sure they would brag about it as being a good thing! Cheat, but keep it quiet please! Be hypocritical, and maybe your kids will grow up to be honest ....
And all those who "cheat" in their cars, parking illegally or ignoring all the rules of the road - with their kids in the back seat, taking notes.
Last year I heard another plausible "rumour" of a local secondary school teacher who, accompanying his students on an end-of-year trip, told them they wouldn't be buying train tickets in the country they were visiting as no one ever checked up on it!!
So, once again, before demanding clean and honest folk "at the top", think about ourselves and what example we set and what we deserve.
Here endeth the sermon.

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