diumenge, 28 de juny del 2015


Una nova aventura! La setmana passada vam aconseguir escapar-nos 4 dies a Mallorca per a visitar familia, concretament la germana de la meva dona, el seu parella, i el bebe que acaben de tenir. L'objectiu era precisament aixo, visitar la familia i descansar despres d'un trimestre una mica moguda. I aixi ho vam fer. Vam voltar molt per Palma, vam anar a la platja, vam jugar a Monopoli, i vam fer una visita rapida a Valldemossa.
També vaig aprendre que Menorca queda a l'est de Mallorca, i no pas a l'oest com sempre havia pensat, malgrat viure aqui 25 anys i haver visitat les dos illes. També vam poder confirmar que el tema de la llengua està malament a Mallorca, molta gent no xerra en mallorqui - però a nivell personal, poc a poc, gràcies al cunyat estic millorant la meva comprehensió del que diuen quan ho parlen!
Fotos i musica....
Brian's Big Break finally arrived - a well-deserved 4-day break in Mallorca (or Majorca). We now have family there - the missus' sister, her partner and their new-born kid - so we went to visit them and relax after a hard term (the school year finished here on the 19 June) before starting our "summer courses". So relax we did - 4 days of playing Monopoly, wandering round Palma, checking out the sights, the beach, and a quick visit to the place Chopin (apparently a pianist) described as being the most beautiful place in the world, Valldemossa. Obviously he'd never been to Yorkshire...
By the way, a little knowledge; Mallorca was re-conquered from the Moors by the Catalan king Jaume I donkeys' years ago and as such formed part of the Catalan/Aragon empire, and the language they speak is a kind of Catalan with a few changes, and a tricky accent! The Balearic isles now form an autonomous community within the state of Spain, as does Catalonia.
A few photos, followed up by another song by the best group from Mallorca.

2 comentaris:

  1. A fine group of photographs Brian! They look even better when enlarged. It's nice to hear you had a pleasant break in Majorca. You will need to be especially polite and generous to your sister-in-law, in order to guarantee more future trips to the island. How was your DVT on the short flight there and back?

    1. We're very close to her so I expect we'll get plenty of chances to visit - close physically too as it's only a 25 minute flight! We took far longer actually driving to Barcelona airport, 2 hours, and faffing about in Ryanair queues, than the actual flight. Plus they only live a 10-minute drive from the airport in the capital city Palma!
      It's a great place, lots of quaint shops - books and records of course - nice bars, squares, etc. The "10 pìnts of beer and a "kiss me quick" hat for 5€" tourists seem to miss Palma and head to different towns specializing in English visitors !
